Ivy (right) and Skipper (left).

Hey there! I’m Ivy, and that’s Skipper. Welcome to my blog!

I write, make films, do occasional YouTube videos, and also act in projects here and there. I’m really good at appearing to have it all together, but I have no idea what I’m doing or how I’m doing it. This blog has been chronicling my thoughts since 2014, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

For a while I used this blog to record my experiences of attending university in England and getting my BA in Creative Writing, then I blogged about returning home and attempting to figure out what to do with myself. I have now moved to Toronto to pursue an acting career…which is just as precarious a pursuit as anything else I’ve ever tried for as long as I’ve had this blog. So, after a decade of blogging, the title still fits.

You can subscribe via email or as a WordPress follower, or if you’d rather not do either of those but still want to keep up, you can ‘like’ the Precarious Writer Facebook page where all posts from this blog and my other one (Precarious Reader) get posted as they’re published.

For writing and book-related posts exclusively, check out my other blog, Precarious Reader.

Here’s an intro video!

Thanks for visiting and have a nice day!

– Ivy

Check out my first post for a proper introduction!

“You know this site is public, right? That means anybody with internet can read it. You’re good with that? Huh. Okay, just checking.”

– Ryan Reynolds impersonator.

“No, this is Patrick!”

– Patrick

“Never heard of it.”

– Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott

“Precious writer is the least smart, no good blog. It is run badly by an incompetent person.”

– Donald Trump, probably

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